The “Hawley Hymn” was written by Mrs. Elsie Hawley Platt, a charter member of the Hawley Historical Society. In 1924, the Hymn was introduced at the Congregational Cemetery in Stratford, Connecticut at the laying of a memorial tablet at the grave of patriarch Joseph Hawley. The procession was led by the President of the Hawley Family Society, Mr Raymond Hawley. Samuel B. Hawley unveiled the memorial tablet while the following hymn was sang to the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”
The Hawleys came from overseas where once they held a place
Among the bravest and the best of the good, old Saxon race.
They fought with Dane and Norman too, when chivalry was young,
The name goes marching on
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on!
They helped to fell the forests and to till the virgin soil
They sowed the land with freedom and they reaped the fruits of toil.
The good, old name of Hawley on the scroll of fame appears,
While the name goes marching on
They lived in old New England and they kept their honor bright,
These pioneers of Stratford town who toiled and fought and died.
These men whose names are sacred, these women brave and true
Kept the name still marching on
Of all the nation’s heroes, the men who do the most
Are those who do their duty and among this mighty host.
The name of Hawley shineth forth in letters of pure gold,
For the name is marching on