83rd Annual Hawley Society Reunion
October 2-5,2013

The Hawley Society Reunion is being planned in Northampton, Massachusetts, an important location to the Massachusetts Line of the family.
Immigrant Thomas Hawley, brother of Joseph of Stratford, settled in Roxbury, MA and was killed 21 April 1676 in the “Sudbury Fight” of King Philip’s War. Descendants of his two grandsons, Samuel and Rev Thomas carried the Hawley surname from Northampton to Connecticut, to New York, to Illinois, to Wisconsin, and to the Pacific Northwest.
Capt Joseph Hawley (1654-1711), son of Thomas; graduated 1674 from Harvard in a class of only three; a teacher who removed from Roxbury to Northampton; married 1676 Lydia Marshall. Lydia’s grandfather bequeathed them land in Northampton, if they build and reside there for four years.
Lt Joseph Hawley (1682-1735), son of Capt Joseph; married Rebecca Stoddard; dramatically influenced by his cousin Jonathan Edwards and the religious Great Awakening.
Major Joseph Hawley (1723-1788), son of Lt Joseph; Lawyer; Patriot, Orator and one of the founding fathers of the American Revolution; leading figure of the radicals including James Otis, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and John Adams; delegate to the Continental Congress, but when he was unable to attend, John Adams attended in his place.
While details are still being planned, this year the Hawley Society Reunion will kick off with a book launch. Susan Stinson has written SPIDER IN A TREE, a historical novel about Jonathan Edwards and The Great Awakening. The Hawley family of Northampton figures prominently in the story and Jonathan Edwards was related to the Hawleys. . Miss Stinson will conduct a book reading to launch her work.
SPIDER IN A TREE is a revelation. Susan Stinson has wrought something wondrous in this book about the spiritual tribulations of a community of New England Calvinists. She brings their world to pulsing, sensuous life, entering as intimately into the mind of Jonathan Edwards, the original fire and brimstone preacher, as she does into the mind of Leah, who worked as his slave. Like Edwards, Stinson reads the natural world as well as Scripture, searching for meaning. But instead of the portents of an angry god, what she finds there is something numinous, complicated, and radiantly human.
Alison Bechdel, Fun Home
We are very fortunate that she will also guide us in a cemetery tour as well as being our Guest Speaker to discuss the Hawley family history in more detail. We plan to visit Jonathan Edwards’ church as well as experience the charming town of Northampton. An excursion into Boston to visit the New England Genealogical Society and walk the path of the patriot’s along The Freedom Trail. Look for more details as we confirm our plans.
Some links of interest:
Northampton, MA Map | MapQuest