Published: 13 September, 2012
The possible future face of Camden Town can be revealed today (Thursday) – and campaigners fighting developers’ plans for a massive new tourist market area say it is a victory for “people power”.
Site owner Stanley Sidings have radically re-drawn a scheme that was thrown out by the Town Hall in March after a ferocious campaign to get the project scrapped.
Now, with a new firm of architects, the proposal has been broadly welcomed.
Covering the Hawley Wharf, which includes the market area devastated by fire in 2008 and garages and workshops behind Hawley Road, the designs include a revamped market area, 170 homes, a school, and an art-house cinema.
The developers say they have spent the past five months listening and made changes to the designs after a series of meetings with the Hawley Wharf Working Group (HWWG), made up of interested societies and associations from Camden Town.