Capt Joseph Hawley (HR16), son of Samuel Sr, born in Stratford, Connecticut 6 Jan 1675, married there Elizabeth Wilcoxson on 7 Jun 1697. She joined the Stratford Church 6 Apr 1699 and 17 Feb 1701, he deeded his lands “divided and undivided” in Stratford to his brother John, he Joseph, being then of Farmington, Connecticut, where he afterwards resided, a prominent citizen under his decease. He became a large land holder, and a considerable part of the old homestead and is still (in 1890) in the family and owned by Mr Ara Hawley. The present dwelling stands about twenty yards from the site of the first house, which locality is still marked by several wells which were used nearly one hundred years by the households living there.
Ara Hawley home near the site of the original home of Capt Joseph Hawley
Joseph Hawley was twenty five years of age when he settled in Farmington in 1700, and soon rose to political and military prominence in the town and State.
He was made Ensign in the militia company in May 1716; Lieutenant in May, 1717 and Captain in 1723. He was elected Deputy or Representative to the General Assembly for Oct 1719; May 1720; May 1721; Oct 1721; May 1722; Apr 1724; Oct 1724; Apr 1725; Oct 1726; May 1727; Sep 1727; May 1729;and May 1738.
Capt Hawley was a little old fashioned and perhaps a little facetious or conservative in church enterprises, as well as politcal, as may be seen in a petition he presented to the Legislative at Hartford on 18 May 1725, when he was a member of that body.
Over the course of eighteen years, Joseph and Elizabeth had nine children, eight of whom lived to adulthood. The family consisted of three daughters, and six sons. Joseph died in his 77th year, 20 Nov 1752 and was buried in the Mememto Mori Cemetery in Farmington. Elizabeth survived him by ten years.

Capt Joseph Hawley
Mememto Mori Cemetery
Farmington, CT