The 89th Society of Hawley Family Reunion will be held from Thursday, October 13 through Saturday, October 15, 2022 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Lodging: Quality Inn Gettysburg Battlefield
Call 717.334.1103 and ask for “Reservations for Hawley Reunion (Hawley rate).” You may visit , but it is probably best to call for reservations.
Registration Form (pdf)
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Afternoon on your own depending on arrival time.
Thursday Hawley dinner location will be arranged closer to October 13, when we have firm counts on attendees.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Breakfast at Quality Inn, included with lodging.
10:00 am – Charter Bus picks guests up at the Battlefield Quality Inn on Steinwehr Ave.
10:15 am – Arrive at the Gettysburg National Park Military Park Visitor Center.
Begin the Museum Experience.
11:15 am – Film & Cyclorama time
12:00 pm – Lunch on your own. You can eat at the Refreshment Saloon or the
Grab & Go Café located in the Visitor Center Lobby.
1:00 pm – Begin 2-hour Battlefield Tour with Licensed Battlefield Guide on Board
3:00 pm – Return Guide to the Visitor Center and depart for Jennie Wade House.
3:15 pm – Begin tour of the Historic Jennie Wade House.
4:15 pm – Return to the Battlefield Quality Inn.
Costs for tours, admission fees to be determined (per person) when we have firm number on attendees. Tour bus charge differs for 25- or 45-passenger bus. Dinner will be arranged for the group close to the Gettysburg Battlefield Quality Inn.
Saturday, October 15th
Breakfast at Quality Inn.
11:30 Hawley Society Annual Meeting in the Quality Inn “breakfast room”
All attendees are invited to talk for 3 minutes about your Civil War
ancestor. Your ancestor could have served for the North or the South, in
Gettysburg or anywhere in the Civil War. Your ancestor could be a Hawley
or not. Whatever we hear will be enriching for everyone. If you wish to
show images, make an enlargement of your personal photo, if you have
We will not be using projectors and other A-V equipment.
– Officers and committee chairs, as needed, will give reports.
We will arrange for a catered lunch to be provided during a break in our meeting.
– Hawley Store – merchandise with Hawley coat-of-arms
– Group photo at end of meeting (or before).
Group dinner arrangements will be finalized closer to the Reunion date. For any questions, please contact Society President Linda Hawley at